Our Story

Incorporated in 2017, Dangerfox’s roots started growing years earlier in the music career of Aaron Mathew. After 17 years of professional touring, writing, recording and producing, he had sat behind studio desks of every variety in creative venues all over the country. However, when he found himself in need of an efficient, large capacity workstation in his own studio in Northern California, there didn’t seem to be one that met all the requirements on his list.

The idea of the Dangerfox desk began germinating…a workstation not just efficient and durable, but also with an element of the unexpected. Unique and beautiful lines were the goal; real wood a necessity. He envisioned his desk as the centerpiece, but didn’t want to give up a lot of real estate in studio space. Influenced by a love for Mid-Century Modern design, he sat down at his computer and the Genesis 24U was born. The rest, as they say, is history.

DangerFox Studio Workstation

We exist to bring our clients the same experience Aaron was in search of: a high quality workstation that inspires, enduring over time and long work hours, inviting a bit of the wild beauty of nature into your creative process. When you open your boxes from Dangerfox, we hope you feel our vision for the desk…like a fresh wind blew in the windows and made your space come alive. Your processes become easier, you relax into the living world of music…and begin to create without walls.